S (in alphabetic order by speaker surname) Speaker: Uri Abraham (Ben-Gurion University) Title: Self-Stabilizing TimeStamps : Speaker: Anish Arora (Ohio State) Title: Self-Stabilizing Sensor Networks : Speaker: Alina Bejan (University of Iowa) Title: Designing Self-Optimizing DHTs using Request Profiling : Various studies on request patterns in P2P networks have confirmed the existence of the interest-based clusters. Some P2P networks that exhibit the small-world phenomenon contains clusters of peers that frequently communicate with one another, although this is not always true. However, the existence of interest-based clusters opens up the possibility of more efficient routing. In this paper we consider the problem of designing a self-optimizing overlay network and routing mechanisms to permit efficient location of resources by the periodic profiling of request patterns. Our self-optimization protocol uses selective replication of resources for restricting the sizes of the clusters, an...