

A Web Site Decision Chart: Practice vs Theory

14 years 4 months ago
A Web Site Decision Chart: Practice vs Theory
The authors introduce a decision chart previously developed to identify web site features that would be suitable for small businesses in their interactions with customers. The decision chart is designed to assist a business to examine the characteristics of its products and services and offers suggestions on web site content based on those characteristics. This paper reports on a study that examines how the decision chart, which was developed mainly from theory, matches the actual features on the web sites of 54 businesses whose goods fall into the categories of the chart. The study showed that whilst there is some correspondence between the chart and the web sites of the businesses, there is a need to recognise web sites are built on a staged basis – with perhaps some never developing their web sites beyond the most basic level. KEYWORDS Decision chart; small business; added value; web site
Stephen Burgess, Stan Karanasios, Geoffrey Sandy
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Stephen Burgess, Stan Karanasios, Geoffrey Sandy
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