

Identifying Successful Telecommuters

14 years 4 months ago
Identifying Successful Telecommuters
Our goal was to develop an instrument designed to select workers who would be successful telecommuters and identify organizations in which telecommuting would be successful. The instrument was developed and validated in two phases. This paper describes the outcomes of the first phase, in which items were correlated with two variables measuring time working from home and outside of the office in general. Our data support the validity and reliability of the instrument and further suggest that the organization’s supportiveness of telecommuting (as shown by perceptions of telecommuting stigma and management style) may outweigh individual character traits of telecommuters. KEYWORDS Telework, Telecommuting, Employee Selection, Assessment.
Joanie B. Connell, Richard C. Sorenson, Karen L. R
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Joanie B. Connell, Richard C. Sorenson, Karen L. Robinson, Sarah J. Ellis
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