

Infinite Pretty-printing in eXene

14 years 4 months ago
Infinite Pretty-printing in eXene
We describe the design and implementation of a Standard ML of New Jersey library for the interactive pretty-printing of possibly infinite syntax trees. The library handles elision in a novel way, and is implemented using Concurrent ML and the eXene X Window System toolkit. 1 Pretty-printing with Elision In the modern approach to pretty-printing, as developed by Oppen [Opp80] and others [Mik81, MCC86, Hug95, Wad98], and featured in Paulson's textbook [Pau96], prettyof abstract syntax is a two-stage process: an abstract syntax tree is converted into a pretty-printing tree that abstractly describes how the syntax tree should be formatted. Pretty-printing trees are made up of strings, potential line-break points, and various kinds of blocks [Opp80, Pau96] or boxes [Mik81, MCC86, Hug95, Wad98].
Allen Stoughton
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where SFP
Authors Allen Stoughton
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