

Engineering Judgement

14 years 2 months ago
Engineering Judgement
Engineers who develop safety-related systems are required to work to remarkably high standards: SIL 1, the lowest classification recognised by the international standard IEC 61508, requires a probability of failure/hour (pfh) of 10-5 or lower; and many systems are required to achieve several orders of magnitude lower failure rates than this. Yet SIL 1 is already so demanding that it is impractical to test a system for long enough to provide convincing evidence that the required failure probability has been achieved, and few systems have ever been mathematically proved to implement their specifications. Instead, safety engineers develop safety cases that argue, and seek to show, that the required pfh has been achieved. The safety authority then exercises their engineering judgement that the system will have the required safety properties. In the absence of convincing evidence, engineering judgement seems our only recourse, yet the great physicist, Richard Feynman, remarked in his book ...
Martyn Thomas
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where SCS
Authors Martyn Thomas
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