

IIT at TREC-10

14 years 4 months ago
IIT at TREC-10
For TREC-10, we participated in the adhoc and manual web tracks and in both the site-finding and cross-lingual tracks. For the adhoc track, we did extensive calibrations and learned that combining similarity measures yields little improvement. This year, we focused on a single highperformance similarity measure. For site finding, we implemented several algorithms that did well on the data provided for calibration, but poorly on the real dataset. For the cross-lingual track, we calibrated on the monolingual collection, and developed new Arabic stemming algorithms as well as a novel dictionary-based means of cross-lingual retrieval. Our results in this track were quite promising, with seventeen of our queries performing at or above the median.
Mohammed Aljlayl, Steven M. Beitzel, Eric C. Jense
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where TREC
Authors Mohammed Aljlayl, Steven M. Beitzel, Eric C. Jensen, Abdur Chowdhury, David O. Holmes, M. Lee, David A. Grossman, Ophir Frieder
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