

Distributed Patient Scheduling in Hospitals

14 years 1 months ago
Distributed Patient Scheduling in Hospitals
Patient scheduling in hospitals is a highly complex task. Hospitals have a distributed organisational structure; being divided into several autonomous wards and ancillary units. Moreover, the treatment process is dynamic (information about the patients' diseases often varies during treatments, causing changes in the treatment process). Current approaches are insufficient because they either focus only on the single ancillary units, and therefore do not consider the entire treatment process of the patients, or they do not account for the distribution and dynamics of the patient scheduling problem. Therefore, we propose an agent based approach in which the patients and hospital resources are modelled as autonomous agents with their own goals, reflecting the decentralised structures in hospitals. In this multi-agent system, the patient agents compete over the scarce hospital resources. Moreover to improve the overall solution, the agents then negotiate with one another. To this end,...
Torsten O. Paulussen, Nicholas R. Jennings, Keith
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Torsten O. Paulussen, Nicholas R. Jennings, Keith S. Decker, Armin Heinzl
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