

Hiding correlation-based watermark templates using secret modulation

14 years 4 months ago
Hiding correlation-based watermark templates using secret modulation
A possible solution to the difficult problem of geometrical distortion of watermarked images in a blind watermarking scenario is to use a template grid in the autocorrelation function. However, the important drawback of this method is that the watermark itself can be estimated and subtracted, or the peaks in the Fourier magnitude spectrum can be removed. A recently proposed solution is to modulate the watermark with a pattern derived from the image content and a secret key. This effectively hides the watermark pattern, making malicious attacks much more difficult. However, the algorithm to compute the modulation pattern is computationally intensive. We propose an efficient implementation, using frequency domain filtering, to make this hiding method more practical. Furthermore, we evaluate the performance of different kinds of modulation patterns. We present experimental results showing the influence of template hiding on detection and payload extraction performance. The results also s...
Jeroen Lichtenauer, Iwan Setyawan, Reginald L. Lag
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Jeroen Lichtenauer, Iwan Setyawan, Reginald L. Lagendijk
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