

Spam filters: bayes vs. chi-squared; letters vs. words

14 years 4 months ago
Spam filters: bayes vs. chi-squared; letters vs. words
We compare two statistical methods for identifying spam or junk electronic mail. Spam filters are classifiers which determine whether an email is junk or not. The proliferation of spam email has made electronic filtering vitally important. The magnitude of the problem is discussed. We examine the Naive Bayesian method in relation to the ‘Chi by degrees of Freedom’ approach, the latter used in the field of authorship identification. Both methods produce very promising results. However, the ‘Chi by degrees of Freedom’ has the advantage of providing significance measures, which will help to reduce false positives. Statistics based on character-level tokenization proves more effective than word-level.
Cormac O'Brien, Carl Vogel
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Cormac O'Brien, Carl Vogel
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