

XML-Based Supply Chain Simulation Modeling

14 years 4 months ago
XML-Based Supply Chain Simulation Modeling
We describe a different approach to using XML to support the simulation modeling of supply chains. Instead of using XML to specify the simulation constructs, as most previous approaches do, we utilize XML to describe the supply chain itself. The Supply Chain Modeling Language (SCML) is a general, reusable, platform and methodology independent standard for describing a supply chain's structure and logic. SCML is usable by analysts using many methodologies, including simulation. We describe a sample simulation system (SISCO) that uses SCML files as input. This system uses an algorithm to "map" the SCML file contents to simulation classes contained in a supply chain simulation class library, resulting in an object-oriented simulation model of the supply chain.
Dean C. Chatfield, Terry P. Harrison, Jack C. Hayy
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WSC
Authors Dean C. Chatfield, Terry P. Harrison, Jack C. Hayya
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