

Optimization of Traffic Signal Light Timing Using Simulation

14 years 4 months ago
Optimization of Traffic Signal Light Timing Using Simulation
Traffic congestion is one of the worst problems in many countries. Traffic congestion wastes a huge portion of the national income for fuel and traffic-related environmental and socioeconomic problems. Computer simulation is a powerful tool for analyzing complex and dynamic scenarios. It provides an appealing approach to analyze repetitive processes. Simulation helps decision makers identify different possible options by analyzing enormous amounts of data. Hence, computer simulation can be used effectively to analyze traffic flow patterns and signal light timing. This paper discusses a special-purpose simulation (SPS) tool for optimize traffic signal light timing. The simulation model is capable of optimizing signal light timing at a single junction as well as an actual road network with multiple junctions. It also provides signal light timing for certain time periods according to traffic demand. Traffic engineers at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka are testing the developed tool...
Kasun N. Hewage, Janaka Yasantha Ruwanpura
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WSC
Authors Kasun N. Hewage, Janaka Yasantha Ruwanpura
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