

Theoretical Foundations for E-Learning Environments Direct to Virtual Scientific Experiments

14 years 2 months ago
Theoretical Foundations for E-Learning Environments Direct to Virtual Scientific Experiments
In this work we want to put in evidence the necessity to integrate theoretical, methodological and didactical aspects with innovative e-learning systems, in order to hypothesize possible learning models able to facilitate and qualify the e-learning world. Specifically, our aim will be direct to theoretical learning models for Virtual Scientific Experiments to be implemented inside the platforms. Therefore, the result to be achieved comes from the interaction of two different “macro-environments”: the pedagogical-didactical world and the informatics world. The first one puts in evidence the methodological aspects and the fundamental importance of the didactical transposition 1 (Chevallard, 1985, 1994; Cornu, Vergnioux, 1992) in order to structure in the best way the experiments foreseen by experts of the discipline. The second one, instead, will have the task of structuring and realizing the suitable virtual learning environments and the various phases of single experiments, taking ...
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where LEGE
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