

Disk Built-in Caches: Evaluation on System Performance

14 years 4 months ago
Disk Built-in Caches: Evaluation on System Performance
Disk drive manufacturers are putting increasingly larger built-in caches into disk drives. Today, 2 MB buffers are common on low-end retail IDE/ATA drives, and some SCSI drives are now available with 16 MB. However, few published data are available to demonstrate that such large built-in caches can noticeably improve overall system performance. In this paper, we investigated the impact of the disk built-in cache on file system response time when the file system buffer cache becomes larger. Via detailed file system and disk system simulation, we arrive at three main conclusions: (1) With a reasonably-sized file system buffer cache (16 MB or more), there is very little performance benefit of using a built-in cache larger than 512 KB. (2) As a readahead buffer, the disk built-in cache provides noticeable performance improvements for workloads with read sequentiality, but has little positive effect on performance if there are more concurrent sequential workloads than cache segments. ...
Yingwu Zhu, Yiming Hu
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Yingwu Zhu, Yiming Hu
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