

A Functional Architecture for Motion Pattern Processing in MSTd

14 years 4 months ago
A Functional Architecture for Motion Pattern Processing in MSTd
Psychophysical studies suggest the existence of specialized detectors for component motion patterns (radial, circular, and spiral), that are consistent with the visual motion properties of cells in the dorsal medial superior temporal area (MSTd) of non-human primates. Here we use a biologically constrained model of visual motion processing in MSTd, in conjunction with psychophysical performance on two motion pattern tasks, to elucidate the computational mechanisms associated with the processing of widefield motion patterns encountered during self-motion. In both tasks discrimination thresholds varied significantly with the type of motion pattern presented, suggesting perceptual correlates to the preferred motion bias reported in MSTd. Through the model we demonstrate that while independently responding motion pattern units are capable of encoding information relevant to the visual motion tasks, equivalent psychophysical performance can only be achieved using interconnected neural popu...
Scott A. Beardsley, Lucia M. Vaina
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where NIPS
Authors Scott A. Beardsley, Lucia M. Vaina
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