

Representing Contextualized Data using Semantic Web Tools

14 years 4 months ago
Representing Contextualized Data using Semantic Web Tools
: RDF-based tools promise to provide a base for reasoning about metadata and about situated data—data describing entities situated in time and space—that is superior to alternatives such as relational databases or object-oriented databases. However, essential representational machinery is missing from the current generation of Semantic Web tools and languages. When that machinery is added, the resulting capabilities offer a combination of novelty and flexibility that may usher in a wave of commercial Semantic Web tool-based applications that precedes the true arrival of the Semantic Web. We have constructed a system, the Semantic Engineering Workbench (SEW), that is proficient at managing situated data. Achieving a practical implementation necessitated extending the basic RDF tools (Hewlett-Packard’s Jena and Stanford’s Protégé) to support contexts. In the SEW, a context references a set of statements having common spatial, temporal (and other metadata) attributes. We investi...
Robert M. MacGregor, In-Young Ko
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where PSSS
Authors Robert M. MacGregor, In-Young Ko
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