

Approximate Query Answering on Sensor Network Data Streams

14 years 1 months ago
Approximate Query Answering on Sensor Network Data Streams
Abstract. Sensor networks represent a non traditional source of information, as readings generated by sensors flow continuously, leading to an infinite stream of data. Traditional DBMSs, which are based on an exact and detailed representation of information, are not suitable in this context, as all the information carried by a data stream cannot be stored within a bounded storage space. Thus, compressing data (by possibly loosing less relevant information) and storing their compressed representation, rather than the original one, becomes mandatory. This approach aims to store as much information carried by the stream as possible, but makes it unfeasible to provide exact answers to queries on the stream content. However, exact answers to queries are often not necessary, as approximate ones usually suffice to get useful reports on the world monitored by the sensors. In this paper we propose a technique for providing fast approximate answers to aggregate queries on sensor data streams. ...
Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Filippo Furfaro, Elio Masciari,
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where SEBD
Authors Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Filippo Furfaro, Elio Masciari, Cristina Sirangelo
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