In this study, a learning device based on the PATtree data structures was developed. The original PAT-trees were enhanced with the deletion function to emulate human learning competence. The learning process worked as follows. The linguistic patterns from the text corpus are inserted into the PAT-tree one by one. Since the memory was limited, hopefully, the important and new patterns would be retained in the PAT-tree and the old and unimportant patterns would be released from the tree automatically. The proposed PAT-trees with the deletion function have the following advantages. 1) They are easy to construct and maintain. 2) Any prefix substring and its frequency count through PAT-tree can be searched very quickly. 3) The space requirement for a PAT-tree is linear with respect to the size of the input text. 4) The insertion of a new element can be carried out at any time without being blocked by the memory constraints because the free space is released through the deletion of unimport...