

Translating a Unification Grammar with Disjunctions into Logical Constraints

14 years 4 months ago
Translating a Unification Grammar with Disjunctions into Logical Constraints
This paper proposes a method for generating a logicalconstraint-based internal representation from a unification grammar formalism with disjunctive information. Unification grammar formalisms based on path equations and lists of pairs of labels and values are better than those based on first-order terms in that the former is easier to describe and to understand. Parsing with term-based internal representations is more efficient than parsing with graph-based representations. Therefore, it is effective to translate unification grammar formalism based on path equations and lists of pairs of labels and values into a term-based internal representation. Previous translation methods cannot deal with disjunctive feature descriptions, which reduce redundancies in the grammar and make parsing efficient. Since the proposed method translates a formalism without expanding disjunctions, parsing with the resulting representation is efficient.
Mikio Nakano, Akira Shimazu
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where ACL
Authors Mikio Nakano, Akira Shimazu
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