We present an al)proach to the increnmntal accrual of lexical int'ornmtion fl)r unknown words t;hat is consl;raint-based and conll)atil)le with s(.andard unification-liased granlnmrs. All;hough the techniques are language-ind(:l)en(lent and can l)('.al)plied to all kinds of informal;ion, ill (;his 1)al)er we concen(;rate on the domain of German noun intl('ction. We show how morl)hological intbrnm.tion, est)ecially inflectional class, is successfully acquired using a tyl)ebased HPSG-like analysis. 15lrthernlore, we sketch an alternative strategy which nmkes use of finite.sl;ate (;rans(lucers.