

Unscrambling English word order

14 years 4 months ago
Unscrambling English word order
We propose a treatment of `extraposition' which allows items to be assimilated directly even when they appear far from their canonical positions. This treatment supports analyses of a number of phenomena which are otherwise hard to describe. The approach requires a generalisation of standard chart parsing techniques. 1 Extraposition in English It is widely accepted that sentences such as 1 I saw the girl who your brother said he fancied. 2 The soup was OK, but the main course I thought was awful. involve items `who', `the main course' being found far away from their normal positions as the complement of `fancied' and the subject of `was awful'. It seems likely that the modi ers `in the park' and `with all my heart' in 3 In the park I met Arthur. 4 I believed with all my heart that she loved me. are also `out of position', since you would normally expect VP-modifying PPs of this kind to appear immediately to the right of the modi ed VP so that th...
Allan Ramsay, Helen Seville
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Allan Ramsay, Helen Seville
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