

Developing Interest Management Techniques in Distributed Interactive Simulation Using Java

14 years 3 months ago
Developing Interest Management Techniques in Distributed Interactive Simulation Using Java
Bandwidth consumption in distributed real-time simulation, or networked real-time simulation, is a major problem as the number of participants and the sophistication of joint simulation exercises grow in size. This paper briefly reviews distributed real-time simulation and bandwidth reduction techniques and introduces the Generic Runtime Infrastructure for Distributed Simulation (GRIDS) as a research architecture for studying such . GRIDS uses Java abstract classes to promote distributed services called thin agents, a novel approach to implementing distributed simulation services, such as userdefined bandwidth reduction mechanisms, and to distributing the executable code across the simulation. Thin agents offer the advantages of traditional agents without the overhead imposed by mobility or continuous state, which are unnecessary in this context. We present our implementation and some predicted results from messagereduction studies using thin agents.
Jon Saville, Simon J. E. Taylor
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where ESM
Authors Jon Saville, Simon J. E. Taylor
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