

Discovering Structural Patterns in Telecommunications Data

14 years 3 months ago
Discovering Structural Patterns in Telecommunications Data
With the increasing amount and complexity of data being collected, there is an urgent need to create automated techniques for mining the data. In particular, data being generated and stored by telecom companies overwhelms scientists' ability to manually discover patterns in the data. Because much of this data is structural in nature, or composed of parts and relations between the parts, linear attribute-value based algorithms will not capture all of the intricacies of the data. Hence, there exists a need to develop scalable tools to analyze and discover concepts in structural databases.
Andi Baritchi, Diane J. Cook, Lawrence B. Holder
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Andi Baritchi, Diane J. Cook, Lawrence B. Holder
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