

Refinement and Hierarchical Coarsening Schemes for Triangulated Surfaces

14 years 1 months ago
Refinement and Hierarchical Coarsening Schemes for Triangulated Surfaces
We present a refinement and a coarsening (also simplification or decimation) algorithm for the adaptive representation of bivariate functions. The algorithms have proved to be efficient tools in numerical methods such as finite element method or image processing, [Pla00, Sua01b]. In this paper we particularize the algorithms and apply to the generation of levels of detail of terrain models. The refinement algorithm is very simple and of linear complexity in the number of vertices, and proceeds uniformly or locally in triangular meshes. The coarsening algorithm shows a complexity of O(logn) and obtains an adaptive hierarchical representation of the input terrain. We provide the most important features of the algorithms as well as the application to generate levels of detail of regions in the Gran Canaria island, an island where the topography is of great irregularity. Several experimental data are presented, including times of the meshes generated, rendering times, error evolution, sui...
José P. Suárez, Angel Plaza
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where WSCG
Authors José P. Suárez, Angel Plaza
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