

RC++ A Rule Based Language for Game AI

14 years 4 months ago
RC++ A Rule Based Language for Game AI
"Game AI" is the high-level control code for computer entertainment applications. Games are diverse, and the nature of game AI reflects this diversity. However, game AI, in contrast to rendering code and other game code, is distinguished by employing a high density of predicates on rapidly changing game state, and a high density of operations that change game state. Traditional programming languages, such as C and C++, are not designed to facilitate the creation of such code, unlike high-level AI rule-based languages. RC++, a full-featured, rule-based extension to C++, designed for Sony Computer Entertainment's PlayStation2 hardware, is described. RC++ is based on OPS5 (Forgy, 81) and Poprulebase1 , a rule-based extension to the Pop-11 programming language. It combines optimised execution associated with OPS5 with the syntactical style and some of the useful features of Poprulebase. It is designed to facilitate the rapid creation of game AI by automating many of the com...
Ian Wright, James A. R. Marshall
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Ian Wright, James A. R. Marshall
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