

Combining Approximate Front End Signal Processing with Selective Reprocessing in Auditory Perception

14 years 4 months ago
Combining Approximate Front End Signal Processing with Selective Reprocessing in Auditory Perception
When dealing with signals from complex environments, where multiple time-dependent signal signatures can interfere with each other in stochastically unpredictable ways, traditional perceptual systems tend to fall back on a strategy of always performing nelydetailed, costly analysis of the signal with a comprehensive front end set of signal processing algorithms SPAs, whether or not the current scenario requires the extra detail. Approximate SPAs ASPAs algorithms whose processing time can be limited in order to trade o precision in their outputs for reduced execution time can play a role in producing adaptive, less-costly front ends, but their outputs tend to require context-dependent analysis for use as evidence in interpretation. This paper examines the IPUS Integrated Processing and Understanding of Signals architecture's ability to serve as a support framework for applying ASPAs in interpretation problems. Speci cally, our work shows that it is feasible to include an app...
Frank Klassner, Victor R. Lesser, Hamid Nawab
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where AAAI
Authors Frank Klassner, Victor R. Lesser, Hamid Nawab
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