

Case-Based Similarity Assessment: Estimating Adaptability from Experience

14 years 4 months ago
Case-Based Similarity Assessment: Estimating Adaptability from Experience
Case-based problem-solving systems rely on similarity assessment to select stored cases whose solutions are easily adaptable to t current problems. However, widely-used similarity assessment strategies, such as evaluation of semantic similarity, can be poor predictors of adaptability. As a result, systems may select cases that are di cult or impossible for them to adapt, even when easily adaptable cases are available in memory. This paper presents a new similarity assessment approach which couples similarity judgments directly to a case library containing the system's adaptation knowledge. It examines this approach in the context of a case-based planning system that learns both new plans and new adaptations. Empirical tests of alternative similarity assessment strategies show that this approach enables better case selection and increases the bene ts accrued from learned adaptations.
David B. Leake, Andrew Kinley, David C. Wilson
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where AAAI
Authors David B. Leake, Andrew Kinley, David C. Wilson
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