Buildinglarge Websites is similar in manywaysto building knowledgeand database systems. In particular, byprovidinga declarative,logical viewof a Website's data andstructure, manyof a site builder's tasks, such as creating complexsites, modifyinga site's structure, andcreatingmultipleversionsof a site, are simplifiedsignificantly. Newsystems,such aS STRUDEL, supportlogical viewsof Websites byallowingsite buildersto constructa site declaratively. In this paper, weaddress an importantproblemfor site builders: verifyingthat a Website's structure conformsto certain constraints.Specifically, weconsider the problemof verifyingthat a Website created declarativelyby STRUDELsatisfies certain integrity constraints,suchas 'all pagesare reachablefromthe root' and'everyorganizationpagepoints to its suborganizations',etc. Ourcontributionsare (1) formulating the verificationproblemas anentailmentproblemin a logical setting, and(2) presentinga sound andcompletea...
Mary F. Fernandez, Daniela Florescu, Alon Y. Levy,