

Toward Accessibility Enhancement of Dependability Modeling Techniques and Tools

14 years 1 months ago
Toward Accessibility Enhancement of Dependability Modeling Techniques and Tools
Fast turnaroundtime independabilityevaluation iscrucialfor e cient fault-tolerant system design and dependability of the resulting product since timely feedbacks will allow more iterations for design modi cation under the constraints of project schedule. Therefore, it is highly desirable to enable system designers to handle and control dependability modeling processes themselves, instead of turning over the problems to reliability/quality-assurance personnel. Although various dependability evaluation techniques and tools have been developed in the last two decades, no adequate attention has been paid regarding how to enable system designers with minimal analytic background to easily employ these techniques and tools. In this paper, we report our experiences on accessibility enhancement for o -the-shelf modeling techniques and tools. In particular, we discuss our approaches to the development of a user-friendly dependability-evaluation workbench which is intended to lead the user to ex...
Ann T. Tai, Herbert Hecht, Kishor S. Trivedi, Bing
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where FTCS
Authors Ann T. Tai, Herbert Hecht, Kishor S. Trivedi, Bing Zhang
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