

Video Quality Experts Group: current results and future directions

14 years 4 months ago
Video Quality Experts Group: current results and future directions
Subjective assessment methods have been used reliably for many years to evaluate video quality. They continue to provide the most reliable assessments compared to objective methods. Some issues that arise with subjective assessment include the cost of conducting the evaluations and the fact that these methods cannot easily be used to monitor video quality in real time. Furthermore, traditional, analog objective methods, while still necessary, are not sufficient to measure the quality of digitally compressed video systems. Thus, there is a need to develop new objective methods utilizing the characteristics of the human visual system. While several new objective methods have been developed, there is to date no internationally standardized method. The Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG) was formed in October 1997 to address video quality issues. The group is composed of experts from various backgrounds and affiliations, including participants from several internationally recognized organi...
Ann M. Rohaly, Philip J. Corriveau, John M. Libert
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where VCIP
Authors Ann M. Rohaly, Philip J. Corriveau, John M. Libert, Arthur A. Webster, Vittorio Baroncini, John Beerends, Jean-Louis Blin, Laura Contin, Takahiro Hamada, David Harrison, Andries P. Hekstra, Jeffrey Lubin, Yukihiro Nishida, Ricardo Nishihara, John C. Pearson, Antonio F. Pessoa, Neil Pickford, Alexander Schertz, Massimo Visca, Andrew B. Watson, Stefan Winkler
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