

Compositionality of Normal Open Logic Programs

14 years 4 months ago
Compositionality of Normal Open Logic Programs
Compositionality of programsis an important concern in knowledge representation and software development. In the context of Logic Programming, up till now, the issue has mostly been studied for de nite programs only. Here, we study compositionality in the context of normal open logic programming. This is a very expressive logic for knowledge representation of uncertainty and incomplete knowledge on concepts and on problem domain, in which the compositionality issue turns up very naturally. The semantics of the logic is a generalisation (allowing non-Herbrand interpretations) of the well-founded semantics. We provide a number of results which o er di erent su cient conditions under which the models of the composition of two theories can be related to the intersection of the models of the composing theories. In particular, under these conditions, logical consequence will be preserved under composition. Keywords : Logic Programming, Knowledge representation. CR Subject Classi cation : I....
Sofie Verbaeten, Marc Denecker, Danny De Schreye
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where SLP
Authors Sofie Verbaeten, Marc Denecker, Danny De Schreye
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