

Dead-End Driven Learning

14 years 4 months ago
Dead-End Driven Learning
The paper evaluates the eectiveness of learning for speeding up the solution of constraint satisfaction problems. It extends previous work (Dechter 1990) by introducing a new and powerful variant of learning and by presenting an extensive empirical study on much larger and more dicult problem instances. Our results show that learning can speed up backjumping when using either a xed or dynamic variable ordering. However, the improvement with a dynamic variable ordering is not as great, and for some classes of problems learning is helpful only when a limit is placed on the size of new constraints learned.
Daniel Frost, Rina Dechter
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where AAAI
Authors Daniel Frost, Rina Dechter
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