

Heuristic Harvesting of Information for Case-Based Argument

14 years 2 months ago
Heuristic Harvesting of Information for Case-Based Argument
The BankXX system models the process of perusing and gathering information for argument as a heuristic best-first search for relevant cases, theories, and other domain-specific information. As BankXX searches its heterogeneous and highly interconnected network of domain knowledge, information is incrementally analyzed and amalgamated into a dozen desirable ingredients for argument (called argument pieces), such as citations to cases, applications of legal theories, and references to prototypical factual scenarios. At the conclusion of the search, BankXX outputs the set of argument pieces filled with harvested material relevant to the input problem situation. This research explores the appropriateness of the search paradigm as a framework for harvesting and mining information needed to make legal arguments. We discuss how we tackled the problem of evaluation of BankXX from both the case-based reasoning (CBR) and task-performance perspectives. In particular, we discuss how various syste...
Edwina L. Rissland, David B. Skalak, M. Timur Frie
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where AAAI
Authors Edwina L. Rissland, David B. Skalak, M. Timur Friedman
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