We present an approach to derive patient specific coronary models from ECG-gated CTA data and their application for the alignment of CTA with mono-plane X-ray imaging during interventional cardiology. A 4D (3D+t) deformation model of the coronary arteries is derived by (i) extraction of a 3D coronary model at an appropriate cardiac phase and (ii) non-rigid registration of the CTA images at different ECG phases to obtain a deformation model. The resulting 4D coronary model is aligned with the X-ray data using a novel 2D+t/3D+t registration approach. Model consistency and accuracy is evaluated using manually annotated coronary centerlines at systole and diastole as reference. Improvement of registration robustness by using the 2D+t/3D+t registration is successfully demonstrated by comparison of the actual X-ray cardiac phase with the automatically determined best matching phase in the 4D coronary model.