

Deduction-Based Refinement Planning

14 years 1 months ago
Deduction-Based Refinement Planning
Weintroduce a method of deduction-based refinement planning where prefabricated general solutions are adapted to special problems. Refmementproceeds by stepwise transforming nonconstructive problem specifications into executable plans. For eachrefinementstep there is a correctness proof guaranteeing the soundnessof refinement and with that the generation of provably correct plans. Bysolving the hard deduction onceand for all on the abstract level, planning on the concrete level becomesmoreefficient. Withthat, our approachaims at making deductiveplanningfeasible in realistic contexts. Ourapproachis based on a temporallogic frameworkthat allows for the representation of specifications and plans onthe samelinguistic level. Basicactions andplans are specified using a programminglanguage the constructs of which are formulaeof the logic. Abstractsolutions are represented as--possibly recursive--procedures. It is this commonlevel of representation and the fluid transition betweenspecificatio...
Werner Stephan, Susanne Biundo
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1996
Where AIPS
Authors Werner Stephan, Susanne Biundo
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