

Analysis of Japanese Compound Nouns by Direct Text Scanning

14 years 3 months ago
Analysis of Japanese Compound Nouns by Direct Text Scanning
This paper aims to analyze word dependency structure in compound nouns appearing in Japanese newspaper articles. The analysis is a dil't:icult problem because such compound nouns can be quite long, have no word boundaries between contained nouns, and often contain nnregistered words such as abbreviations. The nonsegmentation property and unregistered words cause initial segmentation errors which result in erroneous analysis. This paper presents a corpus-based approach which scans a corpus with a set of pattern matchers and gathers cooccurrence examples to analyze compound nouns. It employs boot-strapping search to cope with unregistered words: if an unregistered word is lound in the process of searching the examples, it is recorded and invokes additional searches to gather the examples containing it. This makes it possible to correct initial oversegmentation errors, and leads to higher accuracy. The accuracy of the method is evaluated using the compound nouns of length 5, 6, 7, a...
Toru Hisamitsu, Yoshihiko Nitta
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1996
Authors Toru Hisamitsu, Yoshihiko Nitta
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