

Parsing as Natural Deduction

14 years 1 months ago
Parsing as Natural Deduction
The logic behind parsers for categorial grammars can be formalized in several different ways. Lambek Calculus (LC) constitutes an example for a natural deduction 1 style parsing method. In natural language processing, the task of a parser usually consists in finding derivations for all different readings of a sentence. The original Lambek Calculus, when it is used as a parser/theorem prover, has the undesirable property of allowing for the derivation of more than one proof for a reading of a sentence, in the general case. In order to overcome this inconvenience and to turn Lambek Calculus into a reasonable parsing method, we show the existence of "relative" normal form proof trees and make use of their properties to constrain the proof procedure in the desired way.
Esther König
Added 06 Nov 2010
Updated 06 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1989
Where ACL
Authors Esther König
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