

Anytime Synthetic Projection: Maximizing the Probability of Goal Satisfaction

14 years 3 months ago
Anytime Synthetic Projection: Maximizing the Probability of Goal Satisfaction
This paper presents a projection algorithm for incremental control rule synthesis. The algorithm synthesizes an initial set of goal-achieving control rules using a combination of situation probability and estimated remaining work as a search heuristic. This set of control rules has a certain probability of satisfying the given goal. The probability is incrementally increased by synthesizing additional control rules to handle "error" situations the execution system is likely to encounter when following the initial control rules. By using situation probabilities the algorithm achieves a computationally effective balance between the limited robustness of triangle tables and the absolute robustness of universal plans.
Mark Drummond, John L. Bresina
Added 06 Nov 2010
Updated 06 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1990
Where AAAI
Authors Mark Drummond, John L. Bresina
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