

An Empirical Comparison of Pattern Recognition, Neural Nets, and Machine Learning Classification Methods

14 years 1 months ago
An Empirical Comparison of Pattern Recognition, Neural Nets, and Machine Learning Classification Methods
Classification methods from statistical pattern recognition, neural nets, and machine learning were applied to four real-world data sets. Each of these data sets has been previously analyzed and reported in the statistical, medical, or machine learning literature. The data sets are characterized by statisucal uncertainty; there is no completely accurate solution to these problems. Training and testing or resampling techniques are used to estimate the true error rates of the classification methods. Detailed attention is given to the analysis of performance of the neural nets using back propagation. For these problems, which have relatively few hypotheses and features, the machine learning procedures for rule induction or tree induction clearly performed best.1
Sholom M. Weiss, Ioannis Kapouleas
Added 07 Nov 2010
Updated 07 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1989
Authors Sholom M. Weiss, Ioannis Kapouleas
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