

Utilising Refactoring To Restructure Use-Case Models

14 years 3 months ago
Utilising Refactoring To Restructure Use-Case Models
—Use case refactoring is one of the recent software engineering techniques that aimed at synthesising and refining use case models. Two new types of use case refactoring are proposed in this paper. First, behavioural refactorings aimed at synthesising the presentation and understanding of the described services. Second, structural refactorings aimed at refining and simplifying the different relationships between the g pairs: (1) concrete and abstract use cases, and (2) use cases and actors. The application of the proposed refactorings on a real use case model showed that the advantages of use case refactorings are not limited to the target use case models only, but on their relationsips with other software engineering artefacts. These include the facilitation of the extraction and utilisation of (1) use case patterns, (2) software metrics, and (3) software cost estimates from use case models. Further work is being carried out to automate the process of use case refactoring and integr...
Ayman Issa
Added 07 Nov 2010
Updated 07 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WCE
Authors Ayman Issa
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