

Surface Classification from Aircraft Icing Droplet Splash Images

14 years 1 months ago
Surface Classification from Aircraft Icing Droplet Splash Images
— The build up of water ice on aircraft flight surfaces poses a significant safety risk. As a result, much effort has gone into studying this problem in order to understand how individual droplets contribute to the accretion process. One approach has been to capture the moment of impact of a supercooled droplet onto a surface placed in an icing tunnel. However, this produces a large number of images that must be analysed manually. This paper describes the development of an automated analysis system, employing image processing techniques, that is capable of classifying the impact images without operator input. Using a carefully chosen feature vector and K-means clustering algorithm, the classification results from the automated system are comparable with that achieved using the manual approach.
Xueqing Zhang, Stuart Barnes, David W. Hammond
Added 07 Nov 2010
Updated 07 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WCE
Authors Xueqing Zhang, Stuart Barnes, David W. Hammond
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