

Performance Analysis of Job-Shop Production Systems under Different Order Release Control Parameters

14 years 3 months ago
Performance Analysis of Job-Shop Production Systems under Different Order Release Control Parameters
—Controlling the flow of materials inside job-shops involves several decisions such as the acceptance or rejection of an incoming order, the order’s due date definition, the releasing and the dispatching of the job. This study applies a multiple decision-making scheme involving these four decision phases to examine the sensitivity of job-shop performance to different order release parameters. The performance criteria of shop workload and order delivery were collected to demonstrate the influence of the most significant order release parameters: the queue workload limit and the planning parameter of the latest release date. The influence of each parameter is evaluated by computational simulations. The way we compute the machine workload limit affects not only the workload but also delivery performance measures. However, surprisingly, the latest release date has not a significant impact on shop-floor performance measures. The effect of the queue workload limit in an input-output cont...
Paulo S. A. Sousa, Maria R. A. Moreira
Added 07 Nov 2010
Updated 07 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WCE
Authors Paulo S. A. Sousa, Maria R. A. Moreira
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