

News Retrieval through a MultiAgent System

14 years 3 months ago
News Retrieval through a MultiAgent System
— The continuous growth of information sources on the web, together with the corresponding volume of dailyupdated contents, makes the problem of finding news and articles a challenging task. This paper presents a multiagent system aimed at creating press reviews from online newspapers by progressively filtering information that flows from sources to the end user, so that only relevant articles are retained. Once extracted, newspaper articles are classified according to a hierarchical text categorization approach. Moreover, an optional feedback provided by the user is exploited to improve the overall performances. The system is built upon a generic multiagent architecture that supports the implementation of personalized, adaptive and cooperative multiagent systems devised to retrieve, filter and reorganize information in a web-based environment.
Andrea Addis, Giuliano Armano, Francesco Mascia, E
Added 07 Nov 2010
Updated 07 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WOA
Authors Andrea Addis, Giuliano Armano, Francesco Mascia, Eloisa Vargiu
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