

Landmark Constrained Non-parametric Image Registration with Isotropic Tolerances

14 years 4 months ago
Landmark Constrained Non-parametric Image Registration with Isotropic Tolerances
Abstract. The incorporation of additional user knowledge into a nonrigid registration process is a promising topic in modern registration schemes. The combination of intensity based registration and some interactively chosen landmark pairs is a major approach in this direction. There exist different possibilities to incorporate landmark pairs into a variational non-parametric registration framework. As the interactive localization of point landmarks is always prone to errors, a demand for precise landmark matching is bound to fail. Here, the treatment of the distances of corresponding landmarks as penalties within a constrained optimization problem offers the possibility to control the quality of the matching of each landmark pair individually. More precisely, we introduce inequality constraints, which allow for a sphere-like tolerance around each landmark. We illustrate the performance of this new approach for artificial 2D images as well as for the challenging registration of preoper...
Nils Papenberg, Janine Olesch, Thomas Lange, Peter
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Nils Papenberg, Janine Olesch, Thomas Lange, Peter-Michael Schlag, Bernd Fischer
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