

WePS-3 Evaluation Campaign: Overview of the Web People Search Clustering and Attribute Extraction Tasks

14 years 4 months ago
WePS-3 Evaluation Campaign: Overview of the Web People Search Clustering and Attribute Extraction Tasks
The third WePS (Web People Search) Evaluation campaign took place in 2009-2010 and attracted the participation of 13 research groups from Europe, Asia and North America. Given the top web search results for a person name, two tasks were addressed: a clustering task, which consists of grouping together web pages referring to the same person, and an extraction task, which consists of extracting salient attributes for each of the persons sharing the same name. Continuing the path of previous campaigns, this third evaluation aimed at merging both problems into one single task, where the system must return both the documents and the attributes for each of the different people sharing a given name. This is not a trivial step from the point of view of evaluation: a system may correctly extract attribute profiles from different URLs but then incorrectly merge profiles. This campaign also featured a larger testbed and the participation of a state-of-the-art commercial WePS system in the attribu...
Javier Artiles, Andrew Borthwick, Julio Gonzalo, S
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CLEF
Authors Javier Artiles, Andrew Borthwick, Julio Gonzalo, Satoshi Sekine, Enrique Amigó
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