

External and Intrinsic Plagiarism Detection Using a Cross-Lingual Retrieval and Segmentation System - Lab Report for PAN at CLEF

14 years 1 months ago
External and Intrinsic Plagiarism Detection Using a Cross-Lingual Retrieval and Segmentation System - Lab Report for PAN at CLEF
We present our hybrid system for the PAN challenge at CLEF 2010. Our system performs plagiarism detection for translated and non-translated externally as well as intrinsically plagiarized document passages. Our external plagiarism detection approach is formulated as an information retrieval problem, using heuristic post processing to arrive at the final detection results. For the retrieval step, source documents are split into overlapping blocks which are indexed via a Lucene instance. Suspicious documents are similarly split into consecutive overlapping boolean queries which are performed on the Lucene index to retrieve an initial set of potentially plagiarized passages. For performance reasons queries might get rejected via a heuristic before actually being executed. Candidate hits gathered via the retrieval step are further post-processed by performing sequence analysis on the passages retrieved from the index with respect to the passages used for querying the index. By applying sev...
Markus Muhr, Roman Kern, Mario Zechner, Michael Gr
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CLEF
Authors Markus Muhr, Roman Kern, Mario Zechner, Michael Granitzer
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