

SCADS: Scale-Independent Storage for Social Computing Applications

14 years 3 months ago
SCADS: Scale-Independent Storage for Social Computing Applications
Collaborative web applications such as Facebook, Flickr and Yelp present new challenges for storing and querying large amounts of data. As users and developers are focused more on performance than single copy consistency or the ability to perform ad-hoc queries, there exists an opportunity for a highly-scalable system tailored specifically for relaxed consistency and pre-computed queries. The Web 2.0 development model demands the ability to both rapidly deploy new features and automatically scale with the number of users. There have been many successful distributed keyvalue stores, but so far none provide as rich a query language as SQL. We propose a new architecture, SCADS, that allows the developer to declaratively state application specific consistency requirements, takes advantage of utility computing to provide cost effective scale-up and scale-down, and will use machine learning models to introspectively anticipate performance problems and predict the resource requirements of ne...
Michael Armbrust, Armando Fox, David A. Patterson,
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CIDR
Authors Michael Armbrust, Armando Fox, David A. Patterson, Nick Lanham, Beth Trushkowsky, Jesse Trutna, Haruki Oh
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