

Web Services Composition Applying MDA

14 years 4 months ago
Web Services Composition Applying MDA
Currently, Web services are available on Internet in a simple and easy way to use. However, a single service can not respond to a predetermined request by user. Thus, it is necessary to compose services, ie, organize them in a manner to achieve the goal automatically. The semantic web services increases the descriptions of web services using semantic annotations (eg ontology). There are different approaches to express the semantic aspect as OWL-S, WSMO, WSDL-S and a recent W3C recommendation SAWSDL (Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema). To address complexity, scalability and heterogeneity problems of Web Systems, the OMG has proposed the model driven approach MDA based on the concepts of models, metamodels and transformations. The method describes a process that guides the developer through various phases, starting with the models, and ending with a new compound that can be deployed and published. Key words: Web services composition, semantic web services, MDA.
Yamina Hachemi, Mimoun Malki, Djamel Amar Bensaber
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CIIA
Authors Yamina Hachemi, Mimoun Malki, Djamel Amar Bensaber
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