

Contextual advertising for web article printing

14 years 4 months ago
Contextual advertising for web article printing
: Contextual Advertising for Web Article Printing Shengwen Yang, Jianming Jin, Parag Joshi, Sam Liu HP Laboratories HPL-2010-79 printed ad, web printing, article extraction, contextual advertisement matching Advertisements provide the necessary revenue model supporting the Web ecosystem and its rapid growth. Targeted or contextual ad insertion plays an important role in optimizing the financial return of this model. Nearly all the current ad payment strategies such as "pay-per-impression" and "pay-per-click" on web pages are geared for electronic viewing purposes. Little attention, however, is focused on deriving additional ad revenues when the content is repurposed for alternative mean of presentation, e.g. being printed. Although more and more content is moving to the Web, there are still many occasions where printed output of web content or RSS feeds is desirable, such as maps and articles; thus printed ad insertion can potentially be lucrative. In this paper, w...
Shengwen Yang, Jianming Jin, Joshi Parag, Sam Liu
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Shengwen Yang, Jianming Jin, Joshi Parag, Sam Liu
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