

Colored Trees in Edge-Colored Graphs

14 years 3 months ago
Colored Trees in Edge-Colored Graphs
We consider maximum properly edge-colored trees in edge-colored graphs Gc . We also consider the problem where, given a vertex r, determine whether the graph has a spanning tree rooted at r, such that all root-to-leaf paths are properly colored. We consider these problems from graphtheoretic as well as algorithmic viewpoints. We prove their optimization versions to be NP-hard in general and provide algorithms for graphs without properly edge-colored cycles. We also derive some nonapproximability bounds. A study of the trends random graphs display with regard to the presence of properly edge-colored spanning trees is presented.
A. Abouelaoualim, V. Borozan, Yannis Manoussakis,
Added 09 Nov 2010
Updated 09 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors A. Abouelaoualim, V. Borozan, Yannis Manoussakis, Carlos A. J. Martinhon, R. Muthu, Rachid Saad
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