

Streaming Graph Computations with a Helpful Advisor

14 years 4 months ago
Streaming Graph Computations with a Helpful Advisor
Motivated by the trend to outsource work to commercial cloud computing services, we consider a variation of the streaming paradigm where a streaming algorithm can be assisted by a powerful helper that can provide annotations to the data stream. We extend previous work on such annotation models by considering a number of graph streaming problems. Without annotations, streaming algorithms for graph problems generally require significant memory; we show that for many standard problems, including all graph problems that can be expressed with totally unimodular integer programming formulations, only a constant number of hash values are needed for single-pass algorithms given linear-sized annotations. We also obtain a protocol achieving optimal tradeoffs between annotation length and memory usage for matrix-vector multiplication; this result contributes to a trend of recent research on numerical linear algebra in streaming models.
Graham Cormode, Michael Mitzenmacher, Justin Thale
Added 09 Nov 2010
Updated 09 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ESA
Authors Graham Cormode, Michael Mitzenmacher, Justin Thaler
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